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The Brown Noser

Area Woman Carefully Adjusts Exposure on iPhone Photo Like She National Geographic Photographer

Published Friday, October 25th, 2019

In an effort to perfect an image of herself standing in a pumpkin patch, area woman Jenny Holmsted carefully adjusted the exposure on the iPhone photo as if she were a National Geographic photographer.

Sources report that Holmsted tweaked the brightness in the photo with the meticulousness of a professional wildlife photographer capturing the world’s natural wonders. “You would have thought she was on assignment to document a rare species of gazelle, or the peaks of the Andes, she was so concerned with image quality,” said Andrea Burch, a friend of Holmsted. “When in reality she was documenting her weekend in Cape Cod.”

As she moved the slider controlling exposure back and forth by minute increments, Holmsted remained apparently committed to the standards for photographs published in internationally-distributed nature magazines. “With her attention to photographic detail, she could have been ensuring the clarity of the beads of water on the trunk of an elephant, rather than the sign for the small Massachusetts farm behind her,” Burch added.

At press time, Holmsted posted the painstakingly rendered image to Instagram with the caption “Fall :)”

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