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The Brown Noser

Area Woman Carefully Combing Through Bag Of Trail Mix For The Good Stuff

Published Friday, September 14th, 2018

Sitting down for a quick afternoon snack, sources report that area woman Katie McCook carefully combed through her bag of trail mix in search of the good stuff.

“I’ll get to the nuts and seeds later but now I just want the candy,” reported McCook, delicately picking through the bag of trail mix in search of the chocolate pieces. “I bought the whole bag so I have to eat it all anyways. But just not now.”

Instead of eating the trail mix by the handful, McCook reportedly sorted the nuts, oats, and seeds to one side of the bag as she moved the M&Ms to the other side and picked at those. When it seemed like there was no good stuff left, McCook furiously shook the bag to try to unearth any hidden M&Ms.

“Eh, I guess I’ll move on to the dried fruits now.”

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