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The Brown Noser

BDH Reporter Still Wearing Their Journalist Halloween Costume Weeks Later

Published Friday, December 6th, 2019

Sources report that Brown Daily Herald staff writer Freddy Buckwheat is still wearing a journalist costume weeks after Halloween has ended. Friends and family are concerned that Freddy may be having trouble separating reality and fantasy.

“I’m a little worried about him," reported Buckwheat’s friend and roommate, Frank Calizoni. “He keeps saying he has an interview scheduled with the provost later, as if he was a real journalist. It was funny on Halloween but it’s getting old now.”

“He also claims he’s spending all this time at the Herald offices,” Calizoni continued. "Don’t get me wrong, I like getting some alone time in the room and I respect the bit, but Jesus Christ, enough is enough at this point.”

“He’s supposedly working on some article about the new food security initiative, and he claims to be interviewing all these different administrators. He’s named a different administrator every day. The detail work is ridiculous,” added Calizoni. “But seriously, though. Halloween was like a month ago.”

At press time, Buckwheat was on the case.

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