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The Brown Noser

BPR Party Playlist Just Latest Episode Of The Daily On Repeat

Published Friday, March 6th, 2020

Sources report that the playlist for a Brown Political Review party last night was just the lastest episode of The Daily on repeat.

“I went in expecting there to be some kind of music,” explained Macy Rockwell, who attended the party as a guest. “But then all I heard were the dulcet tones of Michael Barbaro. Whenever he made a keen insight about the current state of democracy in America, people would go wild and start chanting something about credible sources.”

“There were people in the corner swaying along to a Squarespace ad,” Rockwell recalled, adding that the DJ spent the whole time nodding thoughtfully as Barbaro broke down the day’s news. “Someone kept yelling ‘Turn that shit up’ whenever Barbaro mentioned Nancy Pelosi.”

“Some other BPR staffers were playing a drinking game where people had to take a shot every time someone said ‘Congressional oversight,’” Rockwell continued, noting that the entire BPR staff was completely engrossed in the daily news podcast for the duration of the party. “The catch was, if a person could make a salient point about House protocol, they didn’t have to drink.”

As the BPR party continued late into the night, the DJ reportedly loosened up the mood by playing the latest episode of Pod Save America on loop.

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