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The Brown Noser

Band Settles On Picture Of Hottest Member For Album Cover

Published Friday, October 30th, 2020

After careful deliberations over what image to use as the cover for their debut album, local indie rock band The Rotundas settled on a picture of their hottest member, bassist Jasper Lomes.

“Jasper is clearly the hottest among us, so it just felt like a natural choice,” said lead singer Ted Pozar, commenting on the band’s decision to use a grainy polaroid of Lomes next to an old swing set as their album cover. “He has a beautiful jawline and really lush, silky hair, and these gorgeous green eyes. His face seemed like a great bet for crafting our band’s image.”

“We thought about using a photo of the whole band, but Jasper just stood out as a good deal hotter than the rest of us,” Pozar continued, remarking that none of the five-person ensemble had Lomes’ magnificent shine. “We want to be recognized for our songwriting and technical skill, but we also want to exude hotness, and Jasper is key in that respect.”

At press time, the band was taking new polaroids of Lomes for the next few album covers.

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