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The Brown Noser

BeReal Highlights Thrilling Lifestyle Of Corporate Sellout

Published Friday, September 16th, 2022

Within the business world, the widespread social media app BeReal highlights the thrilling lifestyle of corporate grunt Cody Walton.

“The premise of the app is pretty cool—you never know what you’ll be up to when the BeReal notification goes off,” said Walton, whose BeReal photos are taken exclusively in his 4 x 4 cubicle and mostly feature his computer monitor. “Some days, the app even captures me engaged in small talk with my department coworkers.”

“Without the app, I wouldn’t be able to share all the riveting ins and outs of my gray, windowless office with my network of friends,” continued Walton, inhaling his tuna salad sandwich and returning to his cluttered email inbox. “Sure, the hours might be long, but the absolute serotonin rush of financial analytics makes it all worth it. Life in our headquarters is always an adventure, and I’m really glad I get to share so many photos of my computer keyboard.”

At press time, Walton was seen disclosing classified company information left open on his computer screen with his host of friends on BeReal.

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