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The Brown Noser

Brave Man Orders 3-Chili Menu Item

Published Friday, December 7th, 2018

In a stunning act of bravery, sources report that area man Gus Stevenson ordered a 3-chili menu item at a local Indian restaurant. “He usually gets 1- or 2-chili dishes when we go out which is already too much for me,” said Gus’s wife Cheryl. “So when he said he was getting a 3-chili dish, I was nervous, but Gus assured me he could handle it. He cracked his knuckles and armed himself with a fork like he was going into battle. Our waiter strongly advised that he opt for something milder, but Gus was determined to conquer those three little chilis.” At press time, Stevenson was tending to his wounds with a large helping of naan.

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