Sources within the Brown Consulting Club report that it is the perfect opportunity for students about to waste their career to also waste their college experience.
“My goal is to be a consultant and spend my early 20s working 70 hour weeks,” said Philip Leiman, about to also choose to do that during college where he receives literally no compensation. “Yesterday I told a local non-profit that they should reduce costs to have more money.”
“In a school with so many unique, interesting clubs, I really want to get into the consulting one,” continued Leiman, about to graduate into a world with so many meaningful, value-adding jobs and still choose consulting. “It was the opportunity to also spend my college weekends making powerpoints that attracted me.”
“And yeah, it does suck having to spend your weekends on Powerpoint,” said Leiman, about to move to a big city and spend his weekends making Powerpoints. “But people would kill for the opportunity to do this.”
“You have to pay your dues at the start, working your way up from making slideshows of other people’s ideas,” said Leiman, about to rise up through the college club so they can graduate to get a job and be at the bottom of the ladder again. “It’s all worth it though, because at the end of four years in the consulting club, you get to go and do it all again from scratch.”
At press time, some student is also about to waste their time, but for a knockoff version of the Brown Consulting Club.