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The Brown Noser

Brown Football Player Torn Between Which Brown Football Sweatshirt To Go With Today

Published Friday, April 20th, 2018

Holding up two nearly identical options, sophomore football player Jimmy Giordano declared himself hopelessly unable to decide between his gray Brown University football hoodie and his black Brown University football hoodie.

“It’s tough because they’re both excellent options,” stated Giordano, who plays left tackle for the Bears. “It’s chilly out there today and each of them go really well with my football sweatpants.”

It is reportedly the 52nd time this year that Giordano has spent more than ten minutes weighing what Brown football gear to go with. Giordano reports that in the past, he’s struggled to choose between various Brown football-emblazoned long sleeve t-shirts, gym shorts, and tank tops.

“I know that my buddy’s wearing the gray one today, so maybe we shouldn’t match,” added Giordano. “But maybe it’s better if we match because then everyone will know that we both play football on the same team.”

In a last-minute decision, Giordano went with his grey one again.

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