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The Brown Noser

Brown Student In RISD Course Really Getting Off On Being Super Fucking Bad At This

Published Friday, December 7th, 2018

Sources report that Brown student Donna Jameson, who is currently working on her final piece for the RISD course she is enrolled in, is really getting off on being bad at it.

“It’s nice to be good at the things I do at the school I actually got into,” Jameson said after a brutal crit in which her work was completely torn apart by people who are actually qualified to attend one of the best art schools in the country, “But it’s honestly so refreshing to know I don’t deserve to be somewhere, but then still get to be there.”

Though Jameson has been encouraged many times to stick to taking classes at the school she actually got into, she has been adamant about staying in the RISD course.

“It’s the class I look forward to the most," she explained. "I just love putting my most raw and vulnerable self all out there on the canvas and have everyone agree it is the worst thing they have ever seen. When else will I have a chance like that?”

“I know the work I’ve been submitting is shitty but, hey, it’s completely okay," Jameson continued, weirdly bragging to her friends about being the worst in the class. “This isn’t my thing. I really just want to be able to say I took advantage of the opportunity to take a RISD course."

“And studios are so long that I don’t feel bad about taking up the time and resources that should be given to the real RISD students who actually deserve to be in the class and are actually taking it seriously.”

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