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The Brown Noser

CEO Prefers To Think Of Employees As His Estranged Family

Published Friday, April 24th, 2015

Saying that he feels attached to them in a distinctive way, TechSolutions CEO John Maxwell told reporters Monday that he prefers to think of his employees as his estranged family. “I like to view my workers as the relatives who I don’t talk to all that often and know very little about,” Maxwell said, adding that although there isn’t the hope of reconciliation like with the real thing, there’s a forced cordiality and underlying tension in the office that reminds him of his own alienated family. “I understand that I’ll always be seen as the boss and that means I can’t ever truly be false friends with those in HR or corporate. But being a part of a family that didn’t get the chance to bond in any significant way is not about friendship. It’s about dubious respect.” Maxwell also noted that when he fires people it feels just as bad as having a falling out with a cousin or nephew he doesn’t really care about.

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