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The Brown Noser

Children Eschew Gadgets For The Enthralling Fun of Marbles

Published Friday, March 9th, 2018

Forget Apple, Google, and Fisher Price; kids these days are scrapping their gadgets for the enthralling fun of marbles.

Marbles can be made from glass, agate, steel, clay, and plastic– but while the materials vary, the fun does not.

“God, what a rush,” commented Carla Watkins, as her two sons’ mouths frothed with ecstasy. “They’re, like, different colors, and you can roll them on the floor whenever you want. My heart’s going crazy.”

The new toy requires no electricity, and is limited only by the power of imagination.
Experts testify that mounting fear in the tech industry is justified, as the new product is “such a whale of a time”.

“There’s just nothing like it,” a Sony representative admitted, rolling a marble between his thumb and index finger and holding it up in front of his eye in a hilarious illusion. “It’s the end of an era.”

At press time, children were seen playing a game with marbles and crying tears of grateful joy.

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