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The Brown Noser

Child's Macaroni Sculpture Really Bad

Published Friday, April 29th, 2016

Saying that it was an uncreative and inaccurate depiction of a smiling face, Maureen and Richard Palberg told reporters that their 7 year-old son Andy’s macaroni art was really bad. “We’re really proud of all the work Andy put into this, but, honestly, it wasn’t worth it,” Maureen said. “Honestly, it looks like someone just glued some macaroni to a page in a bad circle and gave up.” Andy’s older sister, 10-year-old Megan Palberg agreed, calling it “stupid” and “weird.” “I know he’s seven, and he doesn’t normally do this, but he needs to stop trying,” Megan said. At dinner time, the Palbergs’ reported that Andy was very obviously hiding his broccoli in his napkin again.

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