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The Brown Noser

Creative Writing Student Overly Eager To Use Word ‘Teat’

Published Friday, September 25th, 2020

Writing a piece for his Creative Nonfiction class, sophomore Steven Peppers was just a little too eager to use the word “teat.” “Yeah, Steven really wanted to read his piece first, and was super excited when he read this one part and used the word ‘teat,’” remarked fellow classmate Nicole Claro, adding that the prompt was to “write about the city you grew up in” so it was unclear how or why he snuck “teat” in. “He made a simile between suckling from a mother’s teat and moving away to college, which was such a stretch. He clearly structured his whole piece to add that word in. He could’ve used ‘bosom’ or ‘breast’ too, but he had to go for ‘teat.’” At press time, Steven was reworking a new piece to try and use the word “member.”

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