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The Brown Noser

Dad Confronting Own Mortality After Passing Of Obscure 60s Musician

Published Friday, December 6th, 2019

Sources close to David Johnson report that the death of a ‘60s rock musician has catapulted the local father into the throes of existential distress. News of the passing of Marty Mackbarger, the 93-year-old former bassist of the long disbanded rock band “Muzzie,” had clearly shaken Johnson by providing a poignant reminder of life’s inescapable brevity. “When I was about to leave for school, Dad just gave me this really big hug,” said Johnson’s son, who had no idea his father spent the morning tumbling through an endless vortex of childhood memories, past friendships, and profound angst about the cruel march of time after hearing about the passing of the Cold War era backup vocalist. “But Mom just rolled her eyes, so I shrugged it off as just some random dad thing.” At press time, Muzzie’s only major hit, “Where The Road Ends,” could still be heard drifting out of Johnson’s study.

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