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The Brown Noser

Desperate Man Discreetly Searches "Oigea” In Scrabble Dictionary

Published Friday, September 22nd, 2023

Reports suggest desperate man Robert Jenkins just quietly googled the phrase “is oigea scrabble word.” “I feel like I hear that word all the time,” said Robert, bashfully deleting large swaths of his search history. “Oigea, isn’t that some type of land mass? Or like a body of water? What, is that not a word? It’s not cheating, I genuinely know that word. It’s like that type of algae.” Several other players said they noticed Robert playing some unusual words he was not able to define. “I’m honestly offended. So what if I forgot the definition of ‘qat’? It doesn’t mean I’m some kind of cheater. I’ve totally heard it before, isn’t it that fruit?” At press time, Robert played the word “fuggetaboutit.”

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