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The Brown Noser

Diner Owner Kind Of Disappointed That No Deals Have Gone Down In Corner Booth Yet

Published Friday, September 5th, 2014

Saying that even a small-time drug deal would be fun, Southside Diner owner Jim Capelli admitted that he was kind of disappointed in the lack of deals that have gone down in the corner booth of his establishment. “Business is good, but by now I’d hoped to at least see a few guys say they understand each other perfectly back there,” said Capelli, who opened the diner in 2011. Capelli says he had hoped the grimy feel of the place would result in at least a few shady characters, ad hopes that some day people will choose to conduct their illicit activities there. “Business is good, but if someone planned a heist or something here, that would be the icing on the cake,” said Capelli. At press time, Capelli was disappointedly showing a mother and her 5-year-old son to the corner booth.

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