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The Brown Noser

Don’t Give Out Jobs Unless You Have Enough for the Whole Class by Lily Cole '23

Published Friday, December 16th, 2022

Hey, companies and corporations. I hope you are listening. It seems like many of my classmates are being given jobs. I am writing this as a polite reminder not to give out jobs unless you have enough for the whole class. Sure, it’s great fun for the ones who prance around with job offers in hand, but I ask you to please consider how your actions affect everyone else. Some of us are still thinking about working on our resumes and thinking it would be a good idea to go to the CareerLab sometime. It wouldn’t be a problem, really, if companies were giving jobs to everyone, but handing them out to just a few lucky go-getters hardly seems fair. It’s not kind to hoard jobs with massive compensation packages and catered office lunches. These are the kinds of things that every Brown student deserves, especially me, a soon-to-be college graduate with intermediate Microsoft Office skills and an understanding of conversational Spanish. Now, of course, I don’t actually want to sell my soul to “BCG” or “Goldman Sachs” (no offense), but I’d appreciate the gesture. So next time you post a job for a “Software Engineer” or “Associate,” make sure you’ve got one for everyone.

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