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The Brown Noser

Empty Nester Mom Fills Void By Applying Sunscreen On Strangers

Published Friday, September 14th, 2018

Local mother Tamara Lewis has been seen applying sunscreen to complete strangers as she copes with her recent empty nester status, sources report.

“I used to make sure my Jimmy blocked up every inch of skin exposed to the sun,” Mrs. Lewis explained while carefully scanning the crowd for strangers susceptible to sunburn.

“Oh dear, that old man over there is going to fry in this heat,” she added while rushing over to slather sunscreen on his bald head. “I just can’t stand to see anyone get burned."

“Skin cancer is a real danger, you know,” Mrs. Lewis chided as she rubbed sunscreen onto the cheeks of another woman’s child. “I’ll be around in two hours to reapply. One if you go in the water!”

At press time, Lewis was seen digging through strangers’ lunch baskets to cut off their sandwich crusts.

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