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The Brown Noser

English Concentrator Ready To Return From Summer Of Relaxed Reading To Semester Of Relaxed Reading

Published Friday, September 13th, 2019

After a long summer of relaxed reading, English concentrator Alex Springer returned to campus ready for another semester of relaxed reading.

“Summer is great, but sitting at home with a bunch of downtime to read can get boring after a while,” Springer said. “I’m ready to get back into a routine of sitting around at school with a bunch of downtime to read instead.”

“It will be a nice change of pace to be assigned Virginia Woolf novels, rather than read them profusely at my own leisure,” Springer said as he shelved all the books that he’d read over the summer, which perfectly match his syllabi for the semester. "Don’t get me wrong, I love kicking back on the beach with a good book. But now I’m ready to kick back on The Main Green with a different good book, selected by my professor and discussed in a laid-back seminar every Tuesday.”

However, Springer remains confused by the behavior of his non-English concentrating friends. “They’re always so stressed out and worried about their grades," he said. "I guess college is just really hard for some people.”

At press time, CS concentrators prepared to return from a summer of intense coding in a dark room to a semester of intense coding in a dark room.

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