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The Brown Noser

Everyone In Coffee Exchange On One Big Tinder Date

Published Friday, October 26th, 2018

According to eyewitnesses who went to Coffee Exchange last Saturday afternoon, every single person sitting in the coffee shop was on one big Tinder date with each other.

“The place just has a really great atmosphere and is the perfect place to meet someone for a date,” said Lauren Trent, one of the nearly 30 people on the date. “And we all happened to suggest it.”

Sources report that, upon arriving, everyone on the date pulled a chair up around one of the tiny wooden tables and adjusted themselves into neat rows so that everyone could see their dates’ faces.

“I think it’s going really well,” reported Trent a half hour into the date. “Sure, it took a long time for all of us to order our drinks but everything’s been going smoothly from there.”

Unsure about the most appropriate way to close the date, everyone in Coffee Exchange went in for an awkward hug.

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