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The Brown Noser

Everyone In Egg Line At Ratty Willing To Wait Fifteen Minutes For Ladle Full Of Egg Juice

Published Friday, April 21st, 2017

Willing to plan their whole breakfast around the time it would take to order their food, everyone in the egg line at the Ratty waited upwards of fifteen minutes for their own ladle full of egg juice. “I can’t start my day without this,” said Maggie Donahue, one of ten people waiting excitedly for her turn to get a scoop of liquefied egg. “Sure, it takes the time to wait in line and then there’s an added ten minutes before you’re actually eating the egg but it is so worth it. And, yeah, this egg juice looks a lot like the egg juice used to make the soggy scrambled eggs in the breakfast line but there’s something reassuring about seeing your own egg juice bubble and pop right in front of you.” At press time, Donahue was filling out the order slip with all the canned vegetables and frozen meats she wanted put into her puddle of bright orange egg water.

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