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The Brown Noser

“Evil Never Wins,” States Protagonist From Movie That Earned Weinstein Company $50 Million

Published Friday, April 24th, 2020

Action movie protagonist Steele McAdams stated that “evil never wins” in a recent film that netted the Weinstein company $50 million.

“There is good, and there is evil. I fight for good,” said McAdams as his movie fed millions of dollars directly to Harvey Weinstein and his abettors. “You’ll never get away with this.”

“You think you can get away with this?” McAdams demanded in the film that got Weinstein to be lauded as the savior of the industry. “No one does this much evil without immediate consequences.”

“Let her go! She did nothing wrong!” said a brave McAdams, funding an extra decade of Weinstein’s crimes. “You live to hurt people, and no one is going to just stand by and let that happen.

At press time, NBC News ran a story to condemn the exploitation of power dynamics in the workplace, siphoning their ad revenue directly to Matt Lauer.

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