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The Brown Noser

Family Just Accepts The Fact That All One Remote Does is Turn TV On

Published Friday, November 4th, 2016

Regularly finding themselves having to hold a remote in each hand only to click one button on one then exclusively use the other, all members of the McCool family have come to terms with the fact that all one remote does is turn the TV on. “For as long as I can remember, we’ve used the long, black remote to turn the TV on and the short, silver one to turn the channel or change the volume,” said Mrs. McCool, admitting that it is odd that the black remote does have buttons to do everything else even though none of them work. “Sure, it’s inconvenient but it’s not a big deal. It’s not something I’d call the cable company about or anything. The only real problem is if you press the power button on the silver one. That really messes the TV up.” At press time, the McCools couldn’t find the remote to change the channel so they resigned themselves to watching “Seinfeld” reruns on TBS for the rest of the night.

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