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The Brown Noser

Festering Bag Of Puke In Car Really Enjoying Family Road Trip

Published Friday, September 27th, 2024

According to one of the Sullivan children, the festering bag of puke in the car is really enjoying this family road trip.

“Well, the views have been exceptional so far this trip,” said Sullivan, as the vomit bag sloshed in the corner after the van crossed a speed bump. “But the bag of puke on Mom’s lap on my brother’s lap is probably having the best time of all. The sunset was incredible tonight, and the puke bag has a really nice view out the West-facing window.”

“It is nice to spend time with my siblings, too. I feel like I don’t get to spend a lot of time with him since I started college,” added Sullivan, pointing to her brother, who sported a slimy, orange ring around his lips. “And the bag of puke is definitely getting some up-close-and-personal time with him, too. I’m sure it is cherishing these road trip bonding moments while they last.”

“We all listened to a book on tape for the first few hours of the trip, and I don’t think the puke bag was a huge fan,” said Sullivan, gagging briefly as the scent from the bag caught a breeze in her direction. “But then we finished the trip strong with an ABBA sing-along, and it seemed like the puke bag was a big fan. I think it will be remembering this trip as one of its favorites for a long time.”

At press time, the Sullivans were taking a rest stop so they could finally pour out the van’s bottle of pee.

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