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The Brown Noser

Foolish Bypasser To Say ‘Good Morning’ Even Though It 12:06 Now

Published Friday, February 16th, 2024

According to a firsthand account, a foolish bypasser just wished someone a “Good Morning” even though it was, in fact, 12:06 PM.

“I got some real secondhand embarrassment from that poor guy. He is such a fool!” said Theodore Goodwin, checking his watch to see that it was now the afternoon. “The noon bell went off, like, literally right beforehand. So he totally should’ve known better.”

“You’ve gotta feel bad for this dummy. Maybe his watch was wrong, or he has some valid excuse, but that is such an embarrassing mistake. He should’ve just checked,” said Goodwin, acknowledging that both the little and big hands of the clock are on the right side now. “I don’t know if I could show my face after such an idiotic error. It would be terrible if he said it to someone who wasn’t able to check the time for themselves. Could have really thrown off someone’s day. Plus, he just looked really stupid.”

At press time, a moviegoer was about to respond to “Enjoy the movie,” with “You too.”

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