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The Brown Noser

Fourth Grader’s Monica Lewinsky Costume Not Well Received During School’s Halloween Parade

Published Friday, November 1st, 2024

Fourth grader Mia Thompson’s strikingly accurate Monica Lewinsky costume was not the most well-received at a local elementary school’s Halloween parade.

“It was a choice, and definitely not the right one,” commented fourth grade teacher Ms. Caldwell in reference to Mia’s homage to Bill Clinton’s former mistress. “All the power to Miss Lewinsky, but it is completely inappropriate for an elementary school Halloween parade. Mia could have gone as a fairy or ghost or witch like the rest of the class. But this…This was too much.”

“I could not believe it,” remarked parent Laura Wilson, who instantly recognized Mia’s costume as soon as she walked past in her blazer, beret, and blue dress. “I would never have picked Jennifer to be the type of mom to let her daughter wear such a costume. Michelle, maybe. But this was unexpected for Jennifer. Our Facebook group is going to go wild over this.”

At press time, a trophy costume was seen as too antagonistic at a Brown Athletics Halloween mixer.

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