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The Brown Noser

Freshman Desperate for Companions Decides Same Allergy Enough to Build Friendship On

Published Friday, March 17th, 2017

Lydia Carroway ’20 has reportedly befriended fellow freshman Max Rathburn, who shares her allergy to nuts. “I was at Health Services to pick up a prescription, and in came this beautifully swollen boy who was having a severe reaction to some pistachios he’d unknowingly eaten. When I saw him in his vulnerable state, I knew we’d be the best of friends.”

Carroway was open about her lack of social success first semester. “I have a hard time coming out of my shell, so it’s been hard to make meaningful connections,” she said. “I never know what to say when meeting new people, because we usually don’t have anything in common. But now that I’ve met Max, I feel like my life has turned around. We can go to the Ratty together and joke about what would happen if we accidentally ate nuts. We can read the labels of the foods together to make sure they’re safe. We can walk by the peanut butter station and share a knowing look that we shouldn’t go over there. Honestly, he just understands me, you know?” Sources have spotted the duo at lunch together discussing the difference between tree nuts and legumes, as well as debating what peanut brittle would taste like. “Maybe crunchy?” Rathburn was overheard saying.

At press time, Carroway was reportedly custom-bedazzling an Epi Pen for Rathburn.

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