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The Brown Noser

Freshman Friend Group Just Going To Do Very Basic Group Costume For Halloween Like Fairies Or Maybe Economic Sciences Nobel Prize Laureates

Published Friday, October 27th, 2023

Amid a last-minute costume brainstorming session, a freshmen friend group was considering very basic group costume ideas like fairies or maybe Economic Sciences Nobel Prize laureates.

“I was really hoping we could dress as something basic this year-off the top of my head, maybe like fairies or, ooh, perhaps Economic Sciences Nobel Prize Laureates?” suggested Sasha Rivera to her friend group, too tired to put in the energy for an elaborate costume this year. “Here me out, Ruby can be Friedrich August von Hayek, and Sophia lowkey resembles Elinor Ostrom.”

“I know what you are going to say-that it’s basic and has been done before,” Rivera went on, mentally still recovering from the fiasco of her complex cowgirl costume from last year. “But honesty, basic is good. Basic is the new avant-garde, you know. Plus, who cares if we pull up to the festivities and there are five other Gérard Debreus? We’d pull it off better.”

At press time, Rivera was utterly relieved to only have had to spend $150 on Amazon orders and make 3 trips to Party City for her very basic and simplistic Halloween costume.

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