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The Brown Noser

Friend Listening to Nothing But “Grease” Soundtrack for Past Week Blissfully Unaware of Spotify’s Social Feature

Published Friday, March 8th, 2019

After the ‘Friend Activity’ tab on Spotify revealed that Brenda Thompson had spent the entire week listening to nothing but the “Grease” soundtrack, sources reported that Thompson must be completely unaware that Spotify’s social feature allows all of her friends to see what she listens to. “Oh she has no idea this is out in the open," said sources close to Thompson, scrolling to count how many times she had listened to “Summer Nights” in the past few days. “Poor girl. Not to judge her music taste, but she would be so embarrassed if she knew we could see this.” At press time, Thompson was heard humming “Grease Lighting” in the library.

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