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The Brown Noser

Friend Making That’s What She Said Joke Clearly Has No Idea How Sex Works

Published Friday, April 14th, 2023

According to sources, sophomore Jill Waters’ friend Matt Gleeson has been making “that’s what she said" jokes even though Gleeson clearly has no idea how sex works.

“For my art project, I said ‘I need to make more holes,’ and Matt just started giggling and said ‘that’s what she said,’” Waters recounted, confused at that joke’s premise. “How could that possibly be what ‘she said?’”

“It was kind of disturbing that he thought anyone would say that in a sexual context,” said Waters, wishing her friend would just come out and say that he didn’t know how sex worked. “I honestly hope that he hasn’t had sex and is just kind of clueless, otherwise this would be pretty alarming.”

“Another time, all I said was ‘you should shuffle the cards,’” said Waters, puzzled by how her friend could have found sexual innuendo in this comment. “I’m starting to wonder if he’s even had the sex talk.”

At press time, Jill’s other friend who was making Game of Thrones references had clearly never seen the show.

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