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The Brown Noser

Friend Who Ordered Six Drinks Doesn't Mind Splitting Check

Published Friday, April 9th, 2021

In an awe-inspiring display of benevolence, Max Reiner indicated that he did not mind splitting the check with his friends after he ordered six drinks.

“I’m fine with just tossing all our cards in to avoid the math,” said Reiner, still sipping from his sixth glass of wine like an idle sommelier. “I shared most of my dessert with everyone anyway.”

“I mean I barely ate the appetizer and my drinks were pretty cheap, but I would never be a miser over a dinner with friends,” continued Reiner, collecting his friends’ cards and organizing them into a neat mound on top of the table. “I don’t even care that Gavin got extra steak sauce or that Alice just had to have the sparkling water, as long as we’re all satisfied with dinner.”

At press time, Max was seen Venmo-requesting his friends two dollars each for gas.

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