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The Brown Noser

Girl Wearing Overalls Probably On Way To Tend Some Crops

Published Friday, November 3rd, 2017

After seeing a girl walk through the Main Green wearing overalls, junior Caroline Andrews came to the conclusion that the girl must be on her way to tend some crops.

“Overalls are an article of clothing perfectly designed for farming,” said Andrews, explaining how the suspenders would allow the girl to load up her pockets with gardening tools and never have to worry about it weighing her pants down. “She’s gotta be wearing them because she’s on her way to the fields. It’s like wearing scrubs or a pilot’s uniform. That’s what overalls are designed for.”

“The denim is perfect for when you have to kneel down in the dirt and harvest your crop of rooting vegetables,” continued Andrews, saying he couldn’t think of any other explanation as to why she’d be wearing the overalls. “And the dead giveaway that she was on her way to tend crops was that she had the cuffs of her pants rolled up. She must have been anticipating getting her pant legs dirty in the recently tilled soil.”

“I bet she has seeds in her pockets.”

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