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The Brown Noser

Grad Center Actually Not That Ugly When You Look At It Through A 50s Brutalist Avant-Garde Lens

Published Friday, September 22nd, 2023

After taking a History of Art course over the summer, junior Amy Lee is reportedly beginning to see Grad Center as a 50s Brutalist Avant-Garde masterpiece. “I mean, yeah, I totally see where people are coming from when they comment on Grad’s appearance,” said Lee, as she walked down the mold-infested never-ending bare outdoor spiral staircases. “But honestly, this is a work of art! I mean just look at the exquisite exposed concrete in the facade and the post-industrial bare building materials highlighting its fenestration! Most buildings today tend to prioritize design and looks over industrial minimalism, but Grad Center was on the vanguard of an anti-modernist paradigm shift.” At press time, New Pem was looking charming in a riot suppression lens.

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