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The Brown Noser

Grandpa So Proud He Going To Send Chain Email About You To All His Old Cronies

Published Friday, March 15th, 2024

Sources report that your grandpa is so proud of your big news that he is going to send out a chain email to all his old cronies to brag about you.
“You never cease to amaze me, kiddo!” said Grandpa, adding the fellas from the bowling team to his email chain. “An A on the big exam! I was most certainly never getting A’s. I’ve got the smartest grandkids!”
“I told Harold and my buddies at the barbershop about you,” he added while typing with just his pointer fingers, “and he said that his grandson—you remember Henry, right? You guys played together that one time when Harold and I went golfing when you were six—he said Henry isn’t doing well in school. But not my grandkid! All my other pals wish they had a grandkid like you! Gramps is so proud of ya!”
“I’m adding Aunt Marge and Aunt Charlotte to this email. They love this stuff,” added Grandpa, punching in the 32-point font red text and adding a highly pixelated photo of you. “Wait ‘til they hear you’re getting A’s at that fancy schmancy school of yours! Top of the class. I can’t believe it! My grandkid!”
At press time, your mom was texting your aunt about the big first date you just went on!

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