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The Brown Noser

Guns Don't Kill People, As Death Is Naught But An Illusion

Published Friday, March 6th, 2015

The media elites in this country may have convinced you that guns kill people, but they don’t. There is no such thing as death! The idea that we as human beings somehow stop living—whether because of natural causes, disease, or bullets—is an elaborate fiction spun by those who mean to destroy us.

This may come as a surprise to you. Don’t blame yourself for your stupidity. You’ve been raised to believe that elderly relatives pass on. It’s not unlikely that you’ve been to a funeral and seen a body lowered into the ground. The truth is that that body was and still is alive. The truth is the elite upper-class of America have a vested interested in propagating the myth of death. The truth is that the very concept of death was invented by liberals with a bone to pick with warm-blooded Americans. Americans with warm American blood running through their veins and guns in their gun-toting hands.

As long as death remains such a powerful force in the American psyche, gun opponents will have the ammo they need.

To prevent that dark future, I present you with the FACTS:

DEATH ISN’T REAL. No one has ever died. The thousands who are ‘killed’ in gun accidents every year in the United States are actually sent to a government internment camps where they are forced to flesh out anti-gun legislation. The bodies of those who ‘die’ by other means are deposited into the ground to prepare for the thousand year sleep. This is something you know, deep inside yourself.

GUNS ARE REAL. You own one. Everyone in America owns one. We develop guns as little babies in our mothers’ stomachs. This is where all guns come from and it is why abortion is illegal in all fifty states of America. This is the way it is and the way it always will be. It is a natural process and it cannot be stopped by science.

GUNS DON’T KILL PEOPLE. If people can’t be killed, then they can’t be killed by guns. This is LOGIC, even if those in power would have you believe otherwise. Anyone who told you that guns kill people should be pitied, but not feared. Never feared.

YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. Look in the mirror.

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