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The Brown Noser

Guy Actually Paying Attention During Aircraft Safety Presentation Must Be A Total Freakin Nerd

Published Friday, April 20th, 2018

Sources report that airplane passenger John Sanders, who is actually paying attention during the aircraft safety presentation, must be a total freakin nerd. Those sitting nearby say that, as soon as the flight attendant began talking about emergency procedures, Sanders took out his earphones and started listening attentively.

“We all know what’s in those presentations,” explained fellow passenger Leslie Flynn. “Air masks, help yourself before your baby, blah blah blah. But this dork was actually listening. I could tell because he kept nodding his head and saying things like ‘Got it.’”

According to the flight attendants, Sanders was even reading over the safety pamphlet in detail.

“Nobody actually listens to the presentation,” said flight attendant Nina Vaid, “But this guy was all ears and even asked a clarifying question. I’ve been a flight attendant for 20 years and no one has done that. What a kiss ass.”

At press time, Sanders started taking notes.

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