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The Brown Noser

Guy Who Didn’t Have Summer Internship Now Ripped

Published Friday, September 15th, 2017

Having spent the summer getting in shape instead of holding a summer internship, senior Sam Irving returned ripped. “He told me he started heading to his local YMCA two or three times a week,” said Irving’s roommate Tim Bright, adding that he was skeptical of the number since it didn’t seem like enough to account for how positively jacked his friend had become. “The guy must have spent the forty hours a week he would’ve been working at the gym. Look at him, he’s a hulk! It makes me think that if I didn’t work this past summer, I probably would be pretty jacked too. Retrospectively, that seems like a better option because I hated my job." At press time, Irving was gradually losing muscle mass as classes started ramping up.

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