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The Brown Noser

Guy With Painted Designs On Jeans Definitely Gonna Play Original Songs During Sex

Published Friday, March 15th, 2024

According to sources, that guy Eddie Wilde with those artsy designs painted on his jeans is definitely only going to play original songs during sex.

“I made a little playlist for us to listen to tonight, and features a bunch of songs that I wrote and recorded myself,” Wilde told his hookup, as she looked around his room to see several posters of Wilde playing guitar while wearing his jeans with painted designs on them. “I think you’re gonna love them. They’re some of my most vulnerable work yet.”

“This next one is called ‘Heart Acher’ and it’s about the first time I truly fell in love,” Wilde continued, stopping in the middle of sex to admire his own crooning voice and acoustic guitar strumming coming from the speaker. “I’m really proud of this one. Remember ‘Sketches Of You’ which I played a little earlier? This one actually uses the same chord progression.”

“Well, I had a really great time tonight, and if you stick around, maybe you’ll even get your own song,” Wilde said, putting back on his artsy jeans as his hookup got ready to leave. “Until then, make sure you follow me on Spotify and Apple Music before I blow up. I already have over 400 monthly listeners.”

At press time, Wilde definitely is also going to take his hookup to a really special spot that nobody else knows about.

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