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The Brown Noser

Guy in BDW Clearly Working On Sex Robot

Published Friday, December 16th, 2022

Judging by the increasingly humanoid nature of another student’s project, sophomore Tina Schak reported that junior Craig Shiffrin was clearly working on a sex robot in the Brown Design Workshop. “At first, I was pretty focused on sanding down on my birdhouse, but it got pretty hard to ignore the 5’6 anatomically accurate sex automaton on the table next to me,” Schak said as she moved her birdhouse to a farther table. “I was about to nail the roof on when Craig came over and asked me if I knew where the gear lubricant was. I definitely heard him say, ‘Samantha, wake up, wake up!’" At press time, Shiffrin was asking his roommate if he could use the room for the night.

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