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The Brown Noser

Guy’s Dorm Decor Just Laundry Basket And Pulp Fiction Poster

Published Friday, September 16th, 2022

Freshman Nathaniel Baker’s room is pretty much just a laundry basket and a Pulp Fiction poster.

“He’s had plenty of time to personalize his room, but not much has changed since he assembled his pop-up laundry basket and taped up a glossy poster of Uma Thurman smoking a cigarette,” said his roommate George Harlotte as he looked around the spartan dorm. “He says the bare wall lets him bounce a lacrosse ball in the room without breaking anything.”

“Aside from the 3-in-1 Old Spice body wash and a single pillow, his side of the room looks virtually uninhabited,” added Harlotte, staring at the poster for Tarantino’s 1994 Best Picture winner. “He told me he doesn’t need things like a rug, a second poster, or pictures of his family since he’s only living here for a year.”

At press time, Baker was found starting a liquor bottle collection.

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