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The Brown Noser

I Can't Remember Any Of Your Likes Or Interests, So Here's A Fat Stack Of Cash by Great Aunt Helen

Published Friday, December 3rd, 2021

Dear Aiden,

Oh wait, it’s Aaron, not Aiden. Senior moment! How are you, sweetie? I wouldn’t know, because you haven’t come to visit me in three years.

Well, honey, you’re getting a big fat stack of cash for the holidays because I have absolutely no clue what you like anymore. Maybe I’d know if you called me more often.

You used to like Ninja Turtles, but your mom says you’re learning about computers now? Does that mean that you need new pajamas, ones without the Ninja Turtles on them? Or do you want a computer? Maybe you can use this honking stack of twenties to get yourself a nice computer.

I’m not sure what size you are anymore. In the photos your mom sent me last month, you seemed the same height as I remember, but other than that, I have no way of knowing. Anyway, feel free to go to the Gap or Hollister’s or wherever you get your clothes now, and do remember to bring along your brick of cold hard cash.

Well, I miss you, dear. Enjoy your present, and let me know if you’d prefer a check next year.

Great Aunt Helen

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