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The Brown Noser

Improv Performance Would’ve Been Better If They Rehearsed

Published Friday, May 12th, 2023

Following a recent improvisational comedy performance on campus, sources report that the show would have gone way better if the actors had just rehearsed something to perform beforehand. “At one point, this guy started doing a bit about his grandma being a blender and then accidentally blending her cat into a Pedialyte smoothie, but none of the other performers knew where he was going with it,” said audience member Gina Lester, trying to figure out why the student would take such a large improvisational risk during a packed show in MacMillan 117. “Someone tried to save it by pretending that there was a moonquake, because they were also on the moon for some reason, but that didn’t help at all. Honestly, they should’ve just figured something out last week, practiced a few times, and performed that for us. It would’ve been way less painful for everyone involved.” At press time, Lester noted that the sketch comedy group’s performance would’ve been more enjoyable if it had been fleshed out a bit and lengthened for clarity.

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