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The Brown Noser

Internal Group Tensions Really Coming Through In College Improv Scene

Published Friday, February 5th, 2021

During the latest performance by campus comedy group The Laughing Grizzlies, internal group tensions were really coming through in their improv scenes.

“Gather round you lazy fucks!” yelled club president Julie McBride ‘23 to her ensemble mates in a scene supposedly about sleepy museum night guards. “I am so fed up with you assholes never showing up on time. It’s about respect.”

Sources report that other group tensions have also manifested in less obvious ways, with a disliked member of the group being delegated to unflattering roles and real-life exes finding themselves stuck onstage as husband and wife characters.

“I wish you would recognize the work that I put in every single day,” a visually exasperated McBride yelled to her cast mates in a scene clearly no longer about Smithsonian security trying to stay awake to guard the dinosaur bones. “Are you even listening to me? Hell, why do we even do this if it isn’t fun for everyone? And just so you all know, I know the nicknames you have for me. Disgusting.”

At press time, The Laughing Grizzlies improvised a physical brawl and full club dissolution on stage.

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