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The Brown Noser

Kid On Swings At Recess Must Have Gentle Soul

Published Friday, December 7th, 2018

Sources report that local 4th grader Paul Ginsberg, who was swaying alone on the swings at recess today, must have a gentle soul.

“These other kids scream and pull hair and kick soccer balls, but not him," asserted Social Studies teacher Ms. Debartello, who reported that Ginsberg was swinging with a soft, knowing smile on his innocent little face. “That boy is made from a finer cloth.”

“I hope he never leaves those swings,” continued Ms. Debartello. "I hope he never stops only slightly grazing the ground with his tiny, worn-out Skechers. Seriously, I once saw this kid caressing the moss on a tree trunk with the back of his hand. He’s too pure for this world.”

At press time, Ginsberg was seated on top of the monkey bars, letting his feet dangle as his eyes were turned longingly to the clouds.

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