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The Brown Noser

Lin-Manuel Miranda Tweeting in Own Made-Up Nonsense Language at This Point

Published Friday, March 8th, 2019

Following a series of meaningless tweets, Lin-Manuel Miranda’s Twitter followers reported that the Hamilton star is tweeting in his own made-up nonsense language at this point.

“I used to like Lin’s tweets,” follower Trey Montagne explained. “But wow, he’s really gone off the rails. He tweets constantly and it seems like he’s just ran out of things to say. Yesterday he tweeted ‘Shorp du bop—hamilthought be boop.’ Except there was a break between every line like it was a haiku. What does that mean? Am I missing something?”

“On Monday he tweeted a picture of him and his son in matching shirts, and the caption was just ‘Baaaaaaaaaby wee woo!’ followed by a series of unrelated emojis. I love Lin, but I’m a little lost. Is he okay?”

At press time, Miranda still had 2.5 million followers, somehow.

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