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The Brown Noser

Member Of Improv Group Doing That Voice Again

Published Friday, December 3rd, 2021

Sources report that Johnny Frock-Perry ’24, a member of college improv group Improvisine, is doing that voice again.

“Is he really doing that same voice again?” asked audience member Grace Vank ’23, while Frock-Perry was doing a voice that was kind of lispy but also kind of evocative of a ’40s noir detective. “He did that voice to play a small child and then also to play a teenager but now he’s using it again as some sort of mafia guy?”

“I know improv is a high-pressure environment, but he must realize we’re gonna notice that it’s the same voice again, right?” continued Vank, while Frock-Perry veered slightly Russian. “Maybe it’s ironic? Like an improvised commentary on improv? That’s definitely not outside the realm of possibility.”

At press time, Frock-Perry was smoking an invisible cigarette in every scene.

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