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The Brown Noser

Middle School Class Freaking The Fuck Out About Having To Write Bibliography

Published Friday, December 3rd, 2021

Sources report that an entire seventh-grade class in Barrington Middle School is currently freaking the fuck out about having to write a bibliography.

“What even is that??” said student Daisy Goldmeier, struggling to process the news that she and her classmates have to include bibliographies in their essays about the Civil Rights Movement. “I literally have no idea what Ms. Wilson is talking about right now. We have to find out where these books were published? What the hell?”

“This is so insane,” added Gavin Perutti, panicking at the sight of the example bibliographies his teacher was displaying on the SMART Board. “Those aren’t even sentences. It’s just a bunch of words. There’s no way I’m wasting my time making one of those. Ms. Wilson needs to chill out.”

At press time, everyone in the class was breathing deep sighs of relief upon finding out that they could just let NoodleTools handle everything.

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