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The Brown Noser

Mike Pence Blowing Off Some Steam By Rolling Hoop With Stick On White House Lawn

Published Friday, March 17th, 2017

Sources report that, following a particularly heated meeting with members of the House Ways and Means Committee, Vice President Mike Pence decided to blow off some steam by rolling a hoop with a stick on the White House lawn. “It’s definitely a high stress work environment and a lot of people here hit the gym or go out for a drink at the end of the day to relax,” explained Pence, running hunched over so that he could keep the top of the hoop at eye level and keep it upright. “I like to roll this hoop because it helps me take my mind off things. Sure, it’s not fancy. But it is simple and it is calming. Except on windy days. Then, the hoop just keeps getting blown over and I get more frustrated.” At press time, Pence was seen sprinting after the hoop after he lost control of it and it began to roll down a hill.

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