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The Brown Noser

Mom Likes This Commercial

Published Friday, December 4th, 2015

Saying that the 30-second spot for Skittles was pretty neat, local mom Jan Hemsley mentioned to her children that she liked this commercial.

“This commercial is kind of nice,” said Hemsley, pointing out her approval to her son. “I thought the part at the end was pretty funny.”

In the advertisement, a man in an office touches another man on the shoulder and he collapses into a pile of Skittles. At the end of the commercial, it is implied that the man left standing will eat the pile of Skittles.

“Oh, look at all the colors,” said Hemsley after the commercial was over. “How do they do that!"

After the commercial break had ended, Hemsley had gone back to complaining about the TV show she was watching.

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